There is a ridiculous amount of reading and additional cost - over $300 for tax handbooks which are redundant the second the exam finishes! I had nearly 7 chapters to read for tonight's tutorial and 5 chapters on Monday... Compound this work with an incredible migraine I suffered from yesterday afternoon and I am feeling a little overwhelmed but very smart in making the decision to study this subject by itself; I don't think I would have been able to cope doing this and 3 other subjects!
I am so annoyed I wasn't able to do any reading last night as I had planned... Migraines are paralysing for me! I was driving home when it kicked in and I had to pull over and wait for my parents to come and rescue me and my poor car... Being violently sick, seeing double and Driving doesn't mix and this is the 3rd time that I've had to get my family to come and get me.
This is my reading checklist to get done for the tutorial tonight, it equates to about 85 pages... Plus I have 5 short essay type questions to answer applying what I'm reading to cases... Having this much to read twice a week for 1 subject is strange to me, and being Tax it is incredibly dry.... I have stacked up on the Uni Students Best Friend aka Coffee, I am listening to some wonderfully enlightening Big Band music to keep me motivate and have my check-list there to keep me on track.
So on that note, I better be off to do all this reading... This is going to be the fastest reading ever, as my lecture/tutorial begins in 2hrs... Wish me luck